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Present} \item Reduced annual cost by \$47,000 utilizing AWS API Gateway and Lambda to eliminate Zapier integration's \item Built fully automated Facebook chat bots to increase client enrollment success by 60\% \item Developed custom API's to communicate with Government agencies with 30\% faster response times \item Reduced development times for clients by 1/100\textsuperscript{th} by centralizing logic within AWS \item Pair programmed static demographic form using React, MUI, and Google Places API to eliminate the need for a remote forms developer, saving the company \$50k annually \item Refactored Django authorization form, removing database entry requirements resulting in a 75\% increase of reliability \end{resume_employer} \begin{resume_employer}{Cnoc Outdoors}{Logistics Manager, Product Designer, 3D Engineer, Shopify Admin}{Portland, OR}{October 2018 - June 2021} \item Worked with Unleashed API to speed up order status updating by 30\% \item Improved Shopify site by configuring various plugins \item Maintained warehouse and \$1M worth of inventory \item Developed and tested various products sent to production, saving the company on average \$10K in outsourced costs \end{resume_employer} \begin{resume_employer}{The UPS Store}{Manager, Graphic Designer}{Gresham, OR}{January 2017 - March 2018} \item Accountable for profitability, asset management, customer satisfaction, public relations, sales and marketing, and personnel training and development \item Motivate, train and develop center associates, focusing on excellent customer service and engagement, sales functions, software utilization, and efficient packing and shipping procedures \item Refine 4 operational systems, including POS, CMS, Mailbox Manager, QuickBooks \item Order, receive and process \$500-\$1000 worth of inventory every 2 weeks \item Process, organize and manage over 500 mailboxes’ locks and keys \item Create an e-catalog for 2600 files of private customer information to centralize data and create less waste \item Proactively handle customer issues by filing claims and communicating with distribution hubs \end{resume_employer} \begin{resume_employer}{US Army}{Mortartman 11C, Team Leader}{Portland, OR}{October 2018 - June 2021} \item Operated and maintained 100\% accountability for over \$100,000 of equipment, including night-vision goggles, radios, and weapon systems \item Certified to operate wheeled and tracked vehicles \item Performed preventive maintenance checks and services before and after daily trips \item Acquired military certification to operate vehicles equivalent to 1.5-Ton and 5-Ton Flatbed Trucks, Trailers, Cranes, and Forklifts % \item Logged over 7,000 accident-free hours as an operator \item Primary key holder for a fleet of military vehicles \item Participated in bimonthly field exercises and quarterly field rotations in remote locations \end{resume_employer} \end{resume_section} \begin{resume_section}{Education} \begin{resume_subsection}[Portland, OR (2020--2020)]{PDX Code Guild} \begin{subitems} \item Full Stack Web Development Certificate \end{subitems} \end{resume_subsection} \begin{resume_subsection}[Portland, OR (2019--2021)]{Portland Community College} \begin{subitems} \item Associate of Science \end{subitems} \end{resume_subsection} \end{resume_section} % \begin{resume_section}{Projects} % \begin{resume_subsection}[(June 2021)]{Personal Portfolio} % \begin{subitems} % \item Used Gatsby.js to generate a static site % \end{subitems} % \end{resume_subsection} % \begin{resume_subsection}[(March 2020)]{Tinderbot} % \begin{subitems} % \item A python bot using selenium to control the web browser % \item Logs into tinder, bypasses ads and alerts, starts swiping right % \end{subitems} % \end{resume_subsection} % \end{resume_section} \end{document}